

Good Review Materials
1. BrainPop: DNA

2. BrainPop: Genetics
3. Punnett Practice

5. Princess and the pea

______________________________ First,  Complete this survey:

Second,  Learn about DNA and Genetics at least 2 of the sources below
(you should ask to get headphones if you have them)
1. What is DNA?

2. Other "What is..." for Genetics

3. BrainPop: DNA

4. BrainPop: Genetics

5. Why does corn taste good, but not all grasses do? (E-book)

Third, experience DNA and Genetics through 2 of these interactives:
1. Replicate DNA

2. Build DNA

3. Chromosome Matching (making a karyotype)

4. Breed Bunnies

5. Why do fireflies glow?

6. How to clone a mouse

Fourth: Complete this survey

Fifth: Play these Games
DNA/Hederdity Games:

DNA Hero (Silly)

Review Topics Games:

University of Utah Learn.Genetics: Tour of the Basics

Build a DNA Molecule : U of U

DNA is like a book in the library:

The Twisting Tale of DNA- TED Ed

DNA: The Book of You - TED Ed

The Story of how proteins are made (protein synthesis)

Protein Synthesis (Transcription and Translation) interactive

Genetics Sites

BrainPop: "Heredity", "Genetics"

Explore Learning Gizmos: One-trait Mice, Two-Trait MiceCodominant Chickens

Karyotyping Genes- U of U

What is a Trait?- U of U

Observable Traits and explanations- U of U

How are boys and girls determined in other species?

Dolly cloning NYT video

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