If you did not meet the requirements for an accelerated science, you have two paths
1. Next year in Level 2 try the "thought questions" (optional for L2, required for L3) and take the extra application part of their unit tests. If you do well, then you and the teacher will know that the Accelerated class would better fit your needs, and they will move you up at any point during that year.
2. If you wish to instead override your science teacher's recommendation, you must (1)have a parent contact the teacher to have a email or phone conversation about your progress and reason behind the recommendation (that the requirement for 3 enrichment assignments at a score of 3 was not met).
(2) You, the student, needs to write a personal statement explaining why level 3 is a better fit for your learning, despite your performance on the enrichments, and your plan if you do not meet expectations next year, and
(3) you need to develop a portfolio of work showing your ability to think deeply on application questions with little repetition during the school year. In your personal statement, please reference and explain the works that your included in your portfolio as evidence.
When those items are submitted to your teacher, the department head, Mr. Longnecker will be notified and you will be contacted to set up a meeting with you and your parents. All meetings must be scheduled to occur prior to May 18th.